
Publications in reversed chronological order by date of preprint.

All of my papers are available on the arXiv and on my Google Scholar page.

  1. 2501.03970.jpg
    A Constructive Approach to Zauner’s Conjecture via the Stark Conjectures
    Marcus Appleby, Steven T Flammia, and Gene S Kopp
    arXiv:2501.03970, 2025.
  2. 2411.00235.jpg
    Chasing shadows with Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill codes
    Jonathan Conrad, Jens Eisert, and Steven T. Flammia
    arXiv:2411.00235, 2024.
  3. 2410.18928.jpg
    Learning k-body Hamiltonians via compressed sensing
    Muzhou Ma, Steven T. Flammia, John Preskill, and Yu Tong
    arXiv:2410.18928, 2024.
  4. 2410.07332.jpg
    Fiber Bundle Fault Tolerance of GKP Codes
    Ansgar G. Burchards, Steven T. Flammia, and Jonathan Conrad
    arXiv:2410.07332, 2024.
  5. 2410.03906.jpg
    Efficient self-consistent learning of gate set Pauli noise
    Senrui Chen, Zhihan Zhang, Liang Jiang, and Steven T. Flammia
    arXiv:2410.03906, 2024.
  6. 2407.03270.jpg
    Lattices, Gates, and Curves: GKP codes as a Rosetta stone
    Jonathan Conrad, Ansgar G. Burchards, and Steven T. Flammia
    arXiv:2407.03270, 2024.
  7. 2311.17985.jpg
    Fault-Tolerant Quantum Memory using Low-Depth Random Circuit Codes
    Jon Nelson, Gregory Bentsen, Steven T. Flammia, and Michael J. Gullans
    arXiv:2311.17985, 2023.
  8. 2307.08737.jpg
    Demonstrating a Long-Coherence Dual-Rail Erasure Qubit Using Tunable Transmons
    H. Levine, A. Haim, J. S. C. Hung, N. Alidoust, M. Kalaee, L. DeLorenzo, E. A. Wollack, P. Arrangoiz-Arriola, A. Khalajhedayati, R. Sanil, and 103 more authors
    Physical Review X, 14 011051 2024.
  9. 2305.18519.jpg
    Quantum chi-squared tomography and mutual information testing
    Steven T. Flammia, and Ryan O’Donnell
    Quantum, 8 1381 2024.
  10. 2303.00780.jpg
    Learning correlated noise in a 39-qubit quantum processor
    Robin Harper, and Steven T. Flammia
    PRX Quantum, 4 040311 2023.
  11. 2204.13691.jpg
    Foundations for learning from noisy quantum experiments
    Hsin-Yuan Huang, Steven T. Flammia, and John Preskill
    arXiv:2204.13691, 2022.
  12. 2203.11374.jpg
    The randomized measurement toolbox
    Andreas Elben, Steven T. Flammia, Hsin-Yuan Huang, Richard Kueng, John Preskill, Benoı̂t Vermersch, and Peter Zoller
    Nature Review Physics, 5 9–24 2022.
  13. 2201.07802.jpg
    Clifford-deformed Surface Codes
    Arpit Dua, Aleksander Kubica, Liang Jiang, Steven T. Flammia, and Michael J. Gullans
    PRX Quantum, 5 010347 2024.
  14. 2201.07254.jpg
    Free-Fermion Subsystem Codes
    Adrian Chapman, Steven T. Flammia, and Alicia J. Kollár
    PRX Quantum, 3 030321 2022.
  15. 2108.05803.jpg
    Averaged circuit eigenvalue sampling
    Steven T. Flammia
    In 17th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography (TQC 2022), 232 4:1–4:10 2022.
  16. 2105.02885.jpg
    Pauli error estimation via Population Recovery
    Steven T. Flammia, and Ryan O’Donnell
    Quantum, 5 549 2021.
  17. 2012.07857.jpg
    Free fermions behind the disguise
    Samuel J. Elman, Adrian Chapman, and Steven T. Flammia
    Comm. Math. Phys., 388 969–1003 2021.
  18. 2012.04108.jpg
    Building a fault-tolerant quantum computer using concatenated cat codes
    Christopher Chamberland, Kyungjoo Noh, Patricio Arrangoiz-Arriola, Earl T. Campbell, Connor T. Hann, Joseph Iverson, Harald Putterman, Thomas C. Bohdanowicz, Steven T. Flammia, Andrew Keller, and 6 more authors
    PRX Quantum, 3 010329 2020.
  19. 2011.09636.jpg
    Robust shadow estimation
    Senrui Chen, Wenjun Yu, Pei Zeng, and Steven T. Flammia
    PRX Quantum, 2 030348 2020.
  20. 2010.09775.jpg
    Quantum coding with low-depth random circuits
    Michael J. Gullans, Stefan Krastanov, David A. Huse, Liang Jiang, and Steven T. Flammia
    Phys. Rev. X, 11 031066 2021.
  21. 2009.07851.jpg
    The XZZX Surface Code
    J. Pablo Bonilla Ataides, David K. Tuckett, Stephen D. Bartlett, Steven T. Flammia, and Benjamin J. Brown
    Nat. Commun., 12 2172 2021.
  22. 2009.03902.jpg
    Unboxing Quantum Black Box Models: Learning Non-Markovian Dynamics
    Stefan Krastanov, Kade Head-Marsden, Sisi Zhou, Steven T. Flammia, Liang Jiang, and Prineha Narang
    arXiv:2009.03902, 2020.
  23. 2007.07901.jpg
    Fast Estimation of Sparse Quantum Noise
    Robin Harper, Wenjun Yu, and Steven T. Flammia
    PRX Quantum, 2 010322 2021.
  24. 2003.05465.jpg
    Characterization of solvable spin models via graph invariants
    Adrian Chapman, and Steven T. Flammia
    Quantum, 4 278 2020.
  25. 1912.07636.jpg
    Scalable Bayesian Hamiltonian learning
    Tim J. Evans, Robin Harper, and Steven T. Flammia
    arXiv:1912.07636, 2019.
  26. 1907.13022.jpg
    Efficient learning of quantum noise
    Robin Harper, Steven T. Flammia, and Joel J. Wallman
    Nature Physics, 16 1184–1188 2020.
  27. 1907.12976.jpg
    Efficient estimation of Pauli channels
    Steven T. Flammia, and Joel J. Wallman
    ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing, 1 1–32 2020.
  28. 1907.02554.jpg
    Fault-tolerant thresholds for the surface code in excess of 5% under biased noise
    David K. Tuckett, Stephen D. Bartlett, Steven T. Flammia, and Benjamin J. Brown
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 124 130501 2020.
  29. 1905.00450.jpg
    Bias-preserving gates with stabilized cat qubits
    Shruti Puri, Lucas St-Jean, Jonathan A. Gross, Alexander Grimm, N. E. Frattini, Pavithran S. Iyer, Anirudh Krishna, Steven Touzard, Liang Jiang, Alexandre Blais, and 2 more authors
    Science Advances, 6 130501 2020.
  30. 1903.06721.jpg
    Tight Frames, Hadamard Matrices and Zauner’s Conjecture
    Marcus Appleby, Ingemar Bengtsson, Steven Flammia, and Dardo Goyeneche
    J. Phys. A, 52 295301 2019.
  31. 1901.00535.jpg
    Statistical analysis of randomized benchmarking
    Robin Harper, Ian Hincks, Chris Ferrie, Steven T. Flammia, and Joel J. Wallman
    Phys. Rev. A, 99 052350 2019.
  32. 1812.08186.jpg
    Tailoring surface codes for highly biased noise
    David K. Tuckett, Andrew S. Darmawan, Christopher T. Chubb, Sergey Bravyi, Stephen D. Bartlett, and Steven T. Flammia
    Phys. Rev. X, 9 041031 2018.
  33. 1812.05120.jpg
    Stochastic Estimation of Dynamical Variables
    Stefan Krastanov, Sisi Zhou, Steven T. Flammia, and Liang Jiang
    Quantum Science and Technology, 4 035003 2019.
  34. 1809.10704.jpg
    Statistical mechanical models for quantum codes with correlated noise
    Christopher T. Chubb, and Steven T. Flammia
    Annales de L’Institut Henri Poincaré D, 8 269–321 2021.
  35. 1807.09500.jpg
    Silicon qubit fidelities approaching incoherent noise limits via pulse engineering
    C. H. Yang, K. W. Chan, R. Harper, W. Huang, T. Evans, J. C. C. Hwang, B. Hensen, A. Laucht, T. Tanttu, F. E. Hudson, and 5 more authors
    Nature Electronics, 2 151–158 2019.
  36. 1806.02359.jpg
    Fault-Tolerant Logical Gates in the IBM Quantum Experience
    Robin Harper, and Steven T. Flammia
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 122 080504 2019.
  37. 1805.08227.jpg
    Performance of quantum error correction with coherent errors
    Eric Huang, Andrew C. Doherty, and Steven Flammia
    Phys. Rev. A, 99 022313 2019.
  38. 1801.06121.jpg
    Real Randomized Benchmarking
    A. K. Hashagen, S. T. Flammia, D. Gross, and J. J. Wallman
    Quantum, 2 85 2018.
  39. 1708.08474.jpg
    Ultrahigh Error Threshold for Surface Codes with Biased Noise
    David K. Tuckett, Stephen D. Bartlett, and Steven T. Flammia
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 120 050505 2018.
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    Dimension towers of SICs. I. Aligned SICs and embedded tight frames
    Marcus Appleby, Ingemar Bengtsson, Irina Dumitru, and Steven Flammia
    J. Math. Phys., 58 122201 2017.
  41. 1705.01563.jpg
    Topological quantum error correction in the Kitaev honeycomb model
    Yi-Chan Lee, Courtney Brell, and Steven T. Flammia
    Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2017 083106 2017.
  42. 1704.07036.jpg
    Beating the Classical Limits of Information Transmission using a Quantum Decoder
    Robert J. Chapman, Akib Karim, Zixin Huang, Steven T. Flammia, Marco Tomamichel, and Alberto Peruzzo
    Phys. Rev. A, 97 012315 2018.
  43. 1703.08179.jpg
    Tailored codes for small quantum memories
    Alan Robertson, Christopher Granade, Stephen D. Bartlett, and Steven T. Flammia
    Phys. Rev. Applied, 8 064004 2017.
  44. 1703.05981.jpg
    Constructing exact symmetric informationally complete measurements from numerical solutions
    Marcus Appleby, Tuan-Yow Chien, Steven Flammia, and Shayne Waldron
    J. Phys. A, 51 165302 2018.
  45. 1702.03688.jpg
    Logical Randomized Benchmarking
    Joshua Combes, Christopher Granade, Christopher Ferrie, and Steven T. Flammia
    arXiv:1702.03688, 2017.
  46. 1701.05200.jpg
    SICs and Algebraic Number Theory
    Marcus Appleby, Steven Flammia, Gary McConnell, and Jon Yard
    Found. Phys., 47 1042–1059 2017.
  47. 1701.04299.jpg
    Multi-qubit Randomized Benchmarking Using Few Samples
    Jonas Helsen, Joel J. Wallman, Steven T. Flammia, and Stephanie Wehner
    Phys. Rev. A, 100 032304 2019.
  48. 1610.06169.jpg
    Limits on the storage of quantum information in a volume of space
    Steven T. Flammia, Jeongwan Haah, Michael J. Kastoryano, and Isaac H. Kim
    Quantum, 1 4 2017.
  49. 1608.03281.jpg
    Explaining quantum correlations through evolution of causal models
    Robin Harper, Robert J. Chapman, Christopher Ferrie, Christopher Granade, Richard Kueng, Daniel Naoumenko, Steven T. Flammia, and Alberto Peruzzo
    Phys. Rev. A, 95 042120 2017.
  50. 1608.02943.jpg
    Estimating the fidelity of T gates using standard interleaved randomized benchmarking
    Robin Harper, and Steven T. Flammia
    Quantum Science and Technology, 2 015008 2017.
  51. 1608.02600.jpg
    Approximate symmetries of Hamiltonians
    Christopher T. Chubb, and Steven T. Flammia
    Journal of Mathematical Physics, 58 082202 2017.
  52. 1608.02263.jpg
    Experimental quantum compressed sensing for a seven-qubit system
    C. A. Riofrı́o, D. Gross, S. T. Flammia, T. Monz, D. Nigg, R. Blatt, and J. Eisert
    Nature Comm., 8 15305 2017.
  53. 1605.05039.jpg
    Practical adaptive quantum tomography
    Christopher Granade, Christopher Ferrie, and Steven T. Flammia
    New J. Phys., 19 113017 2017.
  54. 1604.06098.jpg
    Generating Ray Class Fields of Real Quadratic Fields via Complex Equiangular Lines
    Marcus Appleby, Steven Flammia, Gary McConnell, and Jon Yard
    Acta Arith., 192 211–233 2020.
  55. 1603.02275.jpg
    Detecting Topological Order with Ribbon Operators
    Jacob C. Bridgeman, Steven T. Flammia, and David Poulin
    Phys. Rev. B, 94 205123 2016.
  56. 1510.05653.jpg
    Comparing Experiments to the Fault-Tolerance Threshold
    Richard Kueng, David M. Long, Andrew C. Doherty, and Steven T. Flammia
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 117 170502 2016.
  57. 1507.00038.jpg
    Symmetry-respecting real-space renormalization for the quantum Ashkin-Teller model
    Aroon O’Brien, Stephen D. Bartlett, Andrew C. Doherty, and Steven T. Flammia
    Phys. Rev. E, 92 042163 2015.
  58. 1506.03815.jpg
    Classical Simulation of Quantum Error Correction in a Fibonacci Anyon Code
    Simon Burton, Courtney G. Brell, and Steven T. Flammia
    Phys. Rev. A, 95 022309 2017.
  59. 1504.05307.jpg
    The effect of noise correlations on randomized benchmarking
    Harrison Ball, Thomas M. Stace, Steven T. Flammia, and Michael J. Biercuk
    Phys. Rev. A, 93 022303 2016.
  60. 1504.01440.jpg
    Error Compensation of Single-Qubit Gates in a Surface Electrode Ion Trap Using Composite Pulses
    Emily Mount, Chingiz Kabytayev, Stephen Crain, Robin Harper, So-Young Baek, Geert Vrijsen, Steven Flammia, Kenneth R. Brown, Peter Maunz, and Jungsang Kim
    Phys. Rev. A, 92 060301 2015.
  61. 1503.07865.jpg
    Estimating the Coherence of Noise
    Joel J. Wallman, Christopher Granade, Robin Harper, and Steven T. Flammia
    New J. Phys., 17 113020 2015.
  62. 1502.06967.jpg
    Computing the Degenerate Ground Space of Gapped Spin Chains in Polynomial Time
    Christopher T. Chubb, and Steven T. Flammia
    Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science, 2016 9 2016.
  63. 1502.05119.jpg
    Non-exponential Fidelity Decay in Randomized Benchmarking with Low-Frequency Noise
    M. A. Fogarty, M. Veldhorst, R. Harper, C. H. Yang, S. D. Bartlett, S. T. Flammia, and A. S. Dzurak
    Phys. Rev. A, 92 022326 2015.
  64. 1411.3334.jpg
    Sparse Quantum Codes from Quantum Circuits
    Dave Bacon, Steven T. Flammia, Aram W. Harrow, and Jonathan Shi
    IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 63 2464–2479 2017.
  65. 1406.2690.jpg
    Adiabatic topological quantum computing
    Chris Cesare, Andrew J. Landahl, Dave Bacon, Steven T. Flammia, and Alice Neels
    Phys. Rev. A, 92 012336 2015.
  66. 1404.6025.jpg
    Randomized Benchmarking with Confidence
    Joel J. Wallman, and Steven T. Flammia
    New J. Phys., 16 103032 2014.
  67. 1312.3395.jpg
    Local PT symmetry violates the no-signaling principle
    Yi-Chan Lee, Min-Hsiu Hsieh, Steven T. Flammia, and Ray-Kuang Lee
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 112 130404 2014.
  68. 1311.0019.jpg
    Thermalization, Error-Correction, and Memory Lifetime for Ising Anyon Systems
    Courtney G. Brell, Simon Burton, Guillaume Dauphinais, Steven T. Flammia, and David Poulin
    Phys. Rev. X, 4 031058 2014.
  69. 1309.6736.jpg
    Programmable quantum simulation by dynamic Hamiltonian engineering
    David L. Hayes, Steven T. Flammia, and Michael J. Biercuk
    New J. Phys., 16 083027 2014.
  70. 1207.2769.jpg
    Adiabatic Quantum Transistors
    Dave Bacon, Steven T. Flammia, and Gregory M. Crosswhite
    Phys. Rev. X, 3 021015 2013.
  71. 1205.2300.jpg
    Quantum Tomography via Compressed Sensing: Error Bounds, Sample Complexity, and Efficient Estimators
    Steven T. Flammia, David Gross, Yi-Kai Liu, and Jens Eisert
    New J. Phys., 14 095022 2012.
  72. 1204.3404.jpg
    Counterexamples to Kalai’s Conjecture C
    Steven T. Flammia, and Aram W. Harrow
    Quant. Info. & Comp., 13 1–8 2013.
  73. 1104.4695.jpg
    Direct Fidelity Estimation from Few Pauli Measurements
    Steven T. Flammia, and Yi-Kai Liu
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 106 230501 2011.
  74. 1101.4366.jpg
    Efficient quantum state tomography
    Marcus Cramer, Martin B. Plenio, Steven T. Flammia, David Gross, Stephen D. Bartlett, Rolando Somma, Olivier Landon-Cardinal, Yi-Kai Liu, and David Poulin
    Nat. Commun., 1 149 2010.
  75. 1011.1942.jpg
    Toric codes and quantum doubles from two-body Hamiltonians
    Courtney G. Brell, Steven T. Flammia, Stephen D. Bartlett, and Andrew C. Doherty
    New J. Phys., 13 053039 2011.
  76. 1010.3060.jpg
    Computational Difficulty of Computing the Density of States
    Brielin Brown, Steven T. Flammia, and Norbert Schuch
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 107 040501 2011.
  77. 1007.0725.jpg
    Graphical calculus for Gaussian pure states
    Nicolas C. Menicucci, Steven T. Flammia, and Peter Loock
    Phys. Rev. A, 83 042335 2011.
  78. 1001.0004.jpg
    The Lie Algebraic Significance of Symmetric Informationally Complete Measurements
    D. M. Appleby, Steven T. Flammia, and Christopher A. Fuchs
    J. Math. Phys., 52 022202 2011.
  79. 0912.2101.jpg
    Random unitary maps for quantum state reconstruction
    Seth T. Merkel, Carlos A. Riofrı́o, Steven T. Flammia, and Ivan H. Deutsch
    Phys. Rev. A, 81 032126 2010.
  80. 0912.2098.jpg
    Adiabatic Cluster State Quantum Computing
    Dave Bacon, and Steven T. Flammia
    Phys. Rev. A, 82 030303(R) 2010.
  81. 0909.3305.jpg
    Topological Entanglement Rényi Entropy and Reduced Density Matrix Structure
    Steven T. Flammia, Alioscia Hamma, Taylor L. Hughes, and Xiao-Gang Wen
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 103 261601 2009.
  82. 0909.3304.jpg
    Quantum state tomography via compressed sensing
    David Gross, Yi-Kai Liu, Steven T. Flammia, Stephen Becker, and Jens Eisert
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 105, 150401 (2010) 261601 2009.
  83. 0905.0901.jpg
    Adiabatic Gate Teleportation
    Dave Bacon, and Steven T. Flammia
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 103 120504 2009.
  84. 0811.2799.jpg
    The Optical Frequency Comb as a One-Way Quantum Computer
    Steven T. Flammia, Nicolas C. Menicucci, and Oliver Pfister
    J. Phys. B, 42 114009 2008.
  85. 0810.4331.jpg
    Most quantum states are too entangled to be useful as computational resources
    D. Gross, S. Flammia, and J. Eisert
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 102 190501 2008.
  86. 0808.2057.jpg
    Weighing matrices and optical quantum computing
    Steven T. Flammia, and Simone Severini
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 42 065302 2008.
  87. 0805.2180.jpg
    Quantum Metrology: Dynamics vs. Entanglement
    Sergio Boixo, Animesh Datta, Matthew J. Davis, Steven T. Flammia, Anil Shaji, and Carlton M. Caves
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 101 040403 2008.
  88. 0804.4468.jpg
    One-Way Quantum Computing in the Optical Frequency Comb
    Nicolas C. Menicucci, Steven T. Flammia, and Olivier Pfister
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 101 130501 2008.
  89. 0710.4980.jpg
    Entangling the optical frequency comb: simultaneous generation of multiple 2x2 and 2x3 continuous-variable cluster states in a single optical parametric oscillator
    Hussain Zaidi, Nicolas C. Menicucci, Steven T. Flammia, Russell Bloomer, Matthew Pysher, and Olivier Pfister
    Laser Physics, 18 659 2008.
  90. 0710.0285.jpg
    Quantum-limited metrology with product states
    Sergio Boixo, Animesh Datta, Steven T. Flammia, Anil Shaji, Emilio Bagan, and Carlton M. Caves
    Phys. Rev. A, 77 012317 2007.
  91. 0709.1729.jpg
    Phase transition of computational power in the resource states for one-way quantum computation
    Daniel E. Browne, Matthew B. Elliott, Steven T. Flammia, Seth T. Merkel, Akimasa Miyake, and Anthony J. Short
    New J. Phys., 10 023010 2008.
  92. 0703.0096.jpg
    Ultracompact Generation of Continuous-Variable Cluster States
    Nicolas C. Menicucci, Steven T. Flammia, Hussain Zaidi, and Olivier Pfister
    Phys. Rev. A, 76 010302(R) 2007.
  93. 0612.0049.jpg
    Constrained bounds on measures of entanglement
    Animesh Datta, Steven T. Flammia, Anil Shaji, and Carlton M. Caves
    Phys. Rev. A, 75 062117 2007.
  94. 0609.0179.jpg
    Generalized Limits for Single-Parameter Quantum Estimation
    Sergio Boixo, Steven T. Flammia, Carlton M. Caves, and JM Geremia
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 98 090401 2007.
  95. 0605.0050.jpg
    On SIC-POVMs in Prime Dimensions
    Steven T. Flammia
    J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 39 13483–13493 2006.
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    Entanglement and the Power of One Qubit
    Animesh Datta, Steven T. Flammia, and Carlton M. Caves
    Phys. Rev. A, 72 042316 2005.
  97. 0404.0137.jpg
    Minimal Informationally Complete Measurements for Pure States
    Steven T. Flammia, Andrew Silberfarb, and Carlton M. Caves
    Foundations of Physics, 35 1985–2006 2005.